Category list for membership:
Retail Membership ($200)
Service/ Salon/ Wellness Membership ($125)
Restaurant Membership ($125)
*These three memberships have full access to any and all promotions, meetings, events, and gatherings. They also have the opportunity to participate in our gift certificate program as well as the customer loyalty program. Our gift certificate sales totaled more than $30,000 last year, making this an exciting opportunity for customer growth. These memberships give access to all of our monthly meetings, which are designed to unify the business community, give feedback, make suggestions, and cross promote.
Media ($200)
*These memberships give access to all of our monthly meetings As we always try to use members first, it is a great way for our local media to be the first to partner up in advertising opportunities.
Patron Membership ($75)
* Businesses that support the business community that don’t partake in promotions or gift certificates, but want to be involved OR other non-profit organizations in Franklin.
Friendly Membership ($50 individual, $75 family)
* Either an individual or group that doesn’t have a business, but would like to be supportive of our business community OR a business that is not in our community but would like to show support. They receive minutes and are invited to the monthly meetings. They also receive special promotions throughout the year.
All dues are paid annually in July with the exception of the Friendly Membership which renews in January.