Christmas Cash

Christmas Cash

What is it?

Christmas Cash is a drawing shoppers can enter to win Franklin Retail Association Gift cards!


How is works:

For each purchase of $15.00 or more a customer makes at your business, they receive 1 chance to enter their name in the drawing. Each business will design an entry box for them to enter their names. 


Winners Amount:

Grand Prize: $500 Retail Association Gift Card

2nd Prize: $100 Retail Association Gift Card

3rd Prize: $100 Retail Association Gift Card

And 6 gift cards of $50 each 


Your Investment:

This promotion is only available to Franklin Retail Association Members, and there is no fee for your business to participate. Just print out the entry forms, create an entry box, and collect the entry forms. The forms will be picked up on Tuesday, December 19th. 


If you are not able to print the forms and poster, please let me know and we will bring the papers to your business.  

Franklin Retail & Business Association

P.O. Box 702, Franklin, PA, United States, 16323

Phone: (814) 208-5687